Like Rasta, Loki ks is the recently represented Pokémon in Scarlet and Violet, and this is the only Pokémon related to the type of beetle and darkness. Loki's has excellent speed and attack, but it suffers from low special protection and decent protection. This means that you will need to strongly and quickly strike with Loki before it is destroyed. Here are the statistics of Loki in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
- General: 450
- Hp: 71
- Attack: 102
- Protection: 78
- Special attack: 52
- Special protection: 55
- Speed: 92
Fortress is a Pokémon like BUG and Steel, which will primarily act as a wall due to its great mass. He also has a high attack and access to the explosion, which means that he can sacrifice himself to inflict huge damage. Its type makes it 2 times weaker to the attacks of a fiery type, but also gives it great resistance, further increasing its survivability, especially with its ability resistance. Here are Fortress statistics in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
- General: 465
- Hp: 75
- Attack: 90
- Protection: 140
- Special attack: 60
- Special protection: 60
- Speed: 40
Masqueriain-Pokemon of an insect and flying type with a rather balanced pool of characteristics, the best of which is a special attack. Although its mass is decent, it has the ability to intimidate, which will increase its survival by reducing the attack of the enemy Pokémon. He also gains access to various tricks, including grass-type attacks that can help against stone types, against which it is 2 times weaker. Here are Mascara statistics in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
- General: 454
- Hp: 70
- Attack: 60
- Protection: 62
- Special attack: 100
- Special protection: 82
- Speed: 80
We recommend choosing which Pokémon like beetles you used, based on your Pokémon and try to avoid several identical types. Or you can only use Pokemon-Jugs and play a role-playing game in the role of beetles. Regardless of what you prefer, the above Pokemon-Zhuki is an excellent choice.
To obtain additional information about Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, read the article how many forms of Villon are there in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet? And Best Nature for Scatter bug, Spew pa and Villon in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet in professional game guidelines.
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